Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Photography

and welcome to my photography blog! For me, photography is magic because you are taking the world and capturing beauty in tiny little squares (usually 4 by 6 inches!). There is so much to see in the world: good and bad, and by capturing the most poignant moments you can, in a way, create your own world. 

In terms of me:
I've always been creative--my first love was drawing. Now, my principle passions are writing and photography. Luckily, these passions go hand in hand--with writing, you are creating a world out of words, and with photography, you are creating a story out of images. Often one inspires the other. For the past year or so, however, I have had trouble balancing my two loves--to be truly amazing at something, I feel like you have to concentrate all your brain powers in one area, so one of my two loves is often neglected. 
I am fourteen years old and received my first camera at age 11--a point and shoot. Surprisingly, I was disappointed with the gift: I hadn't expected or wanted a camera, but I used it just so my parents wouldn't be disappointed. Luckily for me, I soon recognized my love for photography and have, over time, become more and more enveloped in the world it brings to me. My world is a strange, magical one, filled with colorless forests (my black and white photography!) and skies in every color imaginable (my color photography!). Almost every day I will see something and yell "STOP! That, right there, would be an amazing photo." My friends have become used to it, as well as the constant modeling they are forced to do. Whenever I think I'm on the verge of an amazing shot, my whole body tenses up and I start shouting, because I am so nervous that I won't pull off the image I can see so clearly in my head. When I do get it, my whole body relaxes and I let out a breath, only to begin shooting again. When I take photos, I experiment with all different angles and backgrounds--I love nothing more than having a huge stock of photos to edit. 
During a typical photoshoot with one of my favorite models, I take approximately 500 pictures. Though my memory card easily fills up, I believe my method is useful--even though many of the shots are similiar, I can spend hours picking through them, eliminating twenty or thirty just because it is a quarter of a centimeter off in cropping, or the expression of the model isn't EXACTLY as I imagined. As you can probably tell, I am a perfectionist in terms of my artwork, and this, so far, is the only way I can capture my idea of the perfect image. 
I am starting this blog because I want to have a creative journal that I can look back on to get ideas. Here I plan to describe my latest photoshoots, ideas, and camera gadgets, as well as examples of my artwork. In doing so I hope to improve my photography and become even more dedicated to it than I already am (if that's possible, because photography is basically a compulsion for me now). Feel free to look around, and if you would like to see more of my work, go to:

all photos are copyright Susannah Photography 2008.

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